Dreaming of Eggs

3 06 2011

So last night I had a VERY strange dream about fried eggs. I am not going to bore anyone with the description. Suffice it to say there was a duck bill poking out of my egg yolk. My personal interpretations didn’t have a lot to do with the interpretations found online, one of which I have included below. According to the “experts” the dream is far more fortuitous than I gave it credit for. If I thought they were right I might be glad. However, I have been a bit pessimistic lately and figure my bumbling interpretation is probably closer to the mark. After the little diddy about what the “experts” claim egg dreams mean is my own disturbing rambles about my dream. Pretty much non-sense and possibly offensive to some, but it seems I am getting pretty shameless about what I share these days so what the hell I am posting it. I am feeling somewhat disturbed and feel no shame in disturbing others. Well, at least not in this manner. I think next time someone asks me how I would like my eggs I’ll try them incubated.

If your dream featured eggs this symbolizes fertility, new changes, birth and creative ideas.  It indicates that a change is around the corner. According to old dream oracles from Egyptian times this dream is connected to life and spirituality and often represents our potential within – the meaning of this dream is to apply your knowledge and experiences that you have learnt in your life so far so that you can deal any problems in the future.

The general interpretation of having an egg featured within in your dream is an indication of all the possibilities in life that have yet to come to the surface, if your dream involves eating eggs then this indicates the need to segment certain aspects of your life and to approach these as separate entities – in order for you to move forward in a different ways and face your fears and doubts. It is important that you face your fears in order to achieve success. If your dream featured a black egg then this is often associated with Satan and the sinister forces within.  A black egg can also show fragility and may be connected to the family or perhaps a love relationship.

An egg can be taken as a symbol of spiritual development and awareness, this dream is often linked to progress life, you may need to escape a situation for a while as the situation is holding you back.
Dream Dictionary Online

Fuck a Duck.
What do you get when you cross a chicken and a duck?

What the hell are we possibly thinking when we decide to open up to someone else…
What the hell are we thinking when we don’t!

I had a dream of a duck in chicken egg.
What’s up with that?
Am I hiding behind a shell?
Or is someone else behind a shell that I need to break?
If I break that shell will it be something unexpected,
Lying beneath?

Lying beneath
Lying on top
Just plain lying
Am I kidding myself?
Kidding someone else?
Or having my leg pulled?

Have I cracked enough eggs?
Should I keep cracking?
Or am I just cracking up?
Fuck the duck!
But is a chicken what I want?
Or is a chicken what I’ve got?
If we are all chickens where did the duck come from?

What do you get when you cross a chicken and a duck?
Fuck a duck.

Jay Luptak June 2011